
About Us

About Sustain Vegas

The About Us : Join us on this incredible journey. We work towards a world where the talents and capabilities of all individuals shine. Explore our programs, discover inspiring success stories. Learn how you can get involved. Together, we’re building a brighter, more inclusive future. Where everyone has the chance to make their mark in the world of IT.

Our Mission

In a time of uncertainty, we recognized an opportunity to make a positive impact. Our mission is clear: to offer accessible and free electronic recycling services. contributing to a more sustainable future. We understand the urgency of addressing the mounting electronic waste problem while Strive to be a force for positive transformation.

A Response to a Global Challenge

In a time of uncertainty, we recognized an opportunity to make a positive impact. Our mission is clear: to offer accessible and free electronic recycling services while contributing to a more sustainable future. We understand the urgency of addressing the mounting electronic waste problem and strive to be a force for positive transformation.

Why Sustain Vegas?

Free Electronic Recycling:

We believe in providing free electronic recycling services to individuals, businesses, and organizations. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has the means to dispose of their electronic devices responsibly.

Environmental Advocacy:

Our commitment to environmental advocacy extends beyond recycling. We strive to raise awareness about the impact of electronic waste on our planet and inspire sustainable practices in every facet of our lives.

Community-Centric Approach:

Recognizing the importance of community engagement, we empower individuals and communities to participate in sustainable practices. By making electronic recycling accessible, we aim to create a positive ripple effect.

Building a Sustainable Future:

In navigating the challenges of the 21st century, Sustain Vegas is dedicated to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Join us on this journey towards responsible electronic recycling, where every device recycled brings us closer to a greener, healthier planet.

Thank you for being part of the Sustain Vegas community.

William Franzi
Founder & CEO, Sustain Vegas

William Franzi, a visionary entrepreneur and environmental advocate, is the driving force behind Sustain Vegas. With a passion for sustainable technology and a commitment to community well-being, William founded Sustain Vegas in 2020 during the height of the global pandemic.


A Visionary Leader

William's journey in the world of technology and environmental sustainability began with a profound realization of the impact of electronic waste on our planet. Fueled by a desire to make a positive difference, he set out to create a company that not only addressed the pressing issue of e-waste but also inspired a cultural shift toward responsible technology use.

Environmental Stewardship at the Core

Under William's leadership, Sustain Vegas has become a beacon of environmental stewardship. His vision goes beyond offering free electronic recycling services; it encompasses a comprehensive approach to raising awareness, fostering community engagement, and building a sustainable future.

Community-Centric Leadership

William believes in the power of community engagement and collaborative action. His hands-on approach to leadership is reflected in Sustain Vegas's community-centric initiatives, where the company actively involves individuals and organizations in the journey toward a greener and healthier planet.

A Commitment to Accessible Sustainability

At the helm of Sustain Vegas, William has championed the cause of accessible sustainability. By providing free electronic recycling services, he ensures that individuals and businesses alike have the means to contribute to a cleaner environment without barriers.

Inspiring Change in the Face of Adversity

William Franzi's leadership is a testament to the idea that even in challenging times, there is an opportunity to create positive change. Sustain Vegas, born out of the uncertainties of 2020, stands as a testament to William's resilience, vision, and dedication to making the world a better place.

Join William on the Journey

Join William Franzi and the Sustain Vegas community on this transformative journey towards a sustainable future. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities, one recycled device at a time.